
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni 23, 2019

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ダメージングヒロイン01 神秘戦隊ガイアレンジャー 危うし瑞樹!変身解除機能停止!

ダメージングヒロイン01 神秘戦隊ガイアレンジャー 危うし瑞樹!変身解除機能停止! 作品番号ZEXT-01 定価8640円 ダウンロード4320円/4320PT DVDトースター6040円/6040PT 出演女優 浜崎真緒 しじみ 監督高氏源治 収録時間本編60分 メイキング5分 リリース日2018/11/09 レーベル ZEXT  販売形態 【月額見放題】本編映像   【月額見放題】先行メイキング映像 地球を狙う様々な悪の軍団と戦うガイアレンジャー、その一員である波斗瑞樹は久しぶりにプライベートな時間を過ごしていた。だが、現れた悪の軍団デビルダークの怪人キノコラフレシアギルに友人のショウと美玲が襲われてしまう。ガイアブルーに変身して戦う波斗瑞樹だが、キノコラフレシアギルの放った毒ガスに侵されたショウと美玲は正気を失いガイアブルーに襲い掛かるのだった。危うし!ガイアブルー!危うし!波斗瑞樹! 今回の作品は、ヒロインのピンチに比重がおかれた新シリーズZEXT作品になります。活躍するキャラクターは、ガイアブルーで演じてくれたのは、人気女優の浜崎 真緒さんです。キュートなルックスとスタイルの良いボディの浜崎 真緒さん、ガイアブルーのキャラクターにとてもマッチしていました。アクションシーンも頑張ってくれています。脇を固めるのは、演技派女優のしじみさん。ゾンビ化しつつ友人であるヒロインを襲う様を好演してくれました。スーパーヒロインの激しいピンチが盛りだくさんの今作品、是非ご覧下さい!! Social Media:   Instagram  -  YouTube  -  PlayStore  -  Website Support For Update Full Movie:  Donate

Heroine Good Girl

Yui Kuwana, homeroom teacher of 5th grade, class 2 in the Urushigaoka elementary school, transforms into Leona to fight with evils. One day, Jiro Hoshino who is an anchorman in relay as a last resort in his class declines a participation in the sports day. Jiro’s father Nitetsu dedicates his entire life to the sports day without taking care of his family and gives Jiro special education. Jiro’s refusal is rebellion against his father. Great Satan Garunte turns Nitetsu into Sports Day Genie Tsunahikin by using Nitetsu’s strong desire for sports day and lets him hate skeptical child to sports day and Leona. Is Leona able to survive from sports day that is organized by Garunte and retrieve wholesome sports day?   Fighter of the Sun, Leona from Never Planet is a messiah for children. She has protected child from Devil Garunde as a Yui Kuwana, homeroom teacher of the room 3 of fifth grade in the Urushigaoka elementary school. One day, she visits a her student Hiroshi Koiz...

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Social Media:   Instagram - YouTube - PlayStore - Website Support For Update Full Movie:  Donate

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Yui Kuwana, homeroom teacher of 5th grade, class 2 in the Urushigaoka elementary school, transforms into Leona to fight with evils. One day, Jiro Hoshino who is an anchorman in relay as a last resort in his class declines a participation in the sports day. Jiro’s father Nitetsu dedicates his entire life to the sports day without taking care of his family and gives Jiro special education. Jiro’s refusal is rebellion against his father. Great Satan Garunte turns Nitetsu into Sports Day Genie Tsunahikin by using Nitetsu’s strong desire for sports day and lets him hate skeptical child to sports day and Leona. Is Leona able to survive from sports day that is organized by Garunte and retrieve wholesome sports day?   Fighter of the Sun, Leona from Never Planet is a messiah for children. She has protected child from Devil Garunde as a Yui Kuwana, homeroom teacher of the room 3 of fifth grade in the Urushigaoka elementary school. One day, she visits a her student Hiroshi Koiz...

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